World Thrombosis Day 2020 Webinar Series Video Recordings

World Thrombosis Day 2020 Webinar Series Video Recordings

Video recordings from INASTH 2020 Webinar Series in commemoration of World Thrombosis Day 2020


25 September 2020: Current Approach on Management of Ischemic Stroke

Moderator: Prof. Dr. dr. Teguh Ranakusuma, SpS(K)

1. Thrombolitic in Acute Ischemic Stroke – dr. M. Kurniawan, SpS(K), FICA

2. Antiplatelet Therapy – Dr. dr. Djumhana Atmakusuma, SpPD-KHOM

3. Platelet Function Testing – Prof. dr. Rahajuningsih D, SpPK(K), DSc


2 Oktober 2020: Thrombosis In Specific Population

Moderator :  Prof. Dr. dr. A. Harryanto, SpPD-KHOM

1. CRVO – Dr.dr. Andi A. Victor, SpM(K)

2. Anticoagulant in The Elderly – Dr. dr. Cosphiadi Irawan, SpPD-KHOM

3. Thrombosis in Diabetes Mellitus – Dr. dr. Lugyanti Sukrisman, SpPD-KHOM


9 Oktober 2020: Diagnosis in Thrombosis

Moderator :  Prof. Dr. dr. Aru W. Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM

1. Hypercoagulable State and Thrombosis – Prof. dr. C. Soeharti, Sp.PD-KHOM, PhD.

2. Pitfalls of d-dimer – Prof. dr. Rahajuningsih D, SpPK(K), DSc

3. Radiologic Imaging in Pulmonary Embolism – Dr.dr. Jacub Pandelaki, SpRad(K)


16 Oktober 2020: Autoimmune disease and thrombosis

Moderator :  Dr. dr. Djumhana Atmakusuma, SpPD-KHOM

1. Autoimmune Disease – Dr. dr. Rudy Hidayat, SpPD-KR

2. Thrombosis Risk in Autoimmune Disease – Dr. dr. Lugyanti Sukrisman, SpPD-KHOM

3. Cardiac Complication in Autoimmune Disease – Prof. Dr. dr. Idrus Alwi, SpPD-KKV, FACC, FESC, FAPSIC